Sunday, September 12, 2010

Summer Time

For the last couple years, my summers have been very average, at best. Possibly the best summer I ever had was when I was 15 or 16, can't remember exactly. Literally everyday the local pool was open, I was there with my best mate, having an absolute ball and a good time. The next best summer was in 2008-2009 where I was living in Oaklands, while planning the move to Melbourne. During this summer I spent a lot weekends at the Mulwala ski-club, and venturing out having fun, but didn't really do too much other than that. Although, Australia Day was certainly a great weekend.

The last summer was very average, where I spent a lot of time working, and being bored at home. December and early January was spent in Melbourne, and I did have a couple good days, and spent some time at the pool, in my own pool, and even a trip to the beach and lazing around the house trying to keep cool. However, once I moved back home, summer went downhill and it just was not enjoyable. The only fun I had was at Mulwala during another Australia Day weekend, but it wasn't the greatest weekend I spent.

So I've been thinking about the upcoming summer, and what truly makes an amazing summer. I have compiled a list of things which has to be done, and I aim to try and complete as much of the list as possible this summer.

1/ Buy an inflatable pool and spend 85% of summer in it.

Okay, not really 85% of the summer, it was a hyperbole. However, I think the main aspect of summer is cooling off, and what better way to cool off than to sit in an inflatable pool of an afternoon, in your own backyard, listening to music, and eating icy poles, or even having a couple beverages of the alcoholic nature. For me, that would be a near perfect day, as long as a couple friends were around to enjoy.

2/ Go on a road trip

This is a main one, which does require some saving, and a little bit of planning, but if done right, can make for an awesome weekend, or 4 days, or however long. But where do you go on your road trip? Road trips aren't about the destination, but more-so the journey. Fill a car with mates, camping gear, a map and hit the road, and have fun along the way.

3/ Music, summer music

Jason Mraz. After being sucked back into his music, I feel he has the best songs for summer. People will argue the best songs, as some will say people like Katy Perry or Usher, or maybe heavy metal, depending on their musical tastes. However, I believe the best songs for summer are the slow, mellow, almost reggae, sing-a-long type, and it's right up JM's ally. Listening to "I'm Yours" around a camp fire on the beach, perfect...

4/ Beach/Lake/River

This depends on where you live of course, but during the summer, you have to visit one of these places at least 45 times. I hope to be visiting all three, and having a couple brews at each one. The beach might be the result of a road trip, the lake is a just a small drive away, much same the river. But to visit a natural watering hole, is the key to summer. Summer is the time to get back with nature, as you spent 99.99% of winter indoors, it is now time to get outside and back to what's real with the world.

5/ Floating

This can tie in with No.4, but everyone should go for a day float with friends. Me? I want to plan a big float for a couple days where I float during the day, then at night pull over and camp overnight, and continue floating. Would make a few nice memories.

6/ Backyard Cricket

Biggest Aussie summer activity to do. If you live in Australia, and don't play at least 4 games of backyard during the summer months, your citizenship should be revoked. It doesn't exactly have to be backyard, it may occur in park lands, or riverside, lakeside, beach cricket, or somewhere similar.

7/ BBQ's and parties

This is a must for the summer months, and for a good reason, BBQ's are Cyril, and parties are fun. Soon I will blog about the perfect summer party and what you need to do to achieve it, so stay tuned.

They are the key elements to having an enjoyable summer. For me, it's not only the big moments like a road trip or sitting in my inflatable pool, but it's the little things as well. Like spending 98% of summer in thongs, footy shorts and singlet, or just going for a walk taking everything in. Eating icy poles, being outside at 9pm with light still about having a couple drinks, or just lying on the couch with the aircon blasting watching a movie. All these little things add up to assist the big moments in summer.

Preserving these summer memories are important, that's why I am in talks with my manager about maybe starting a Summer Blog, so I can share and preserve which hopes to be my best summer. If you want to preserve your own memories, this is a no-brainer, but carry a camera with you, 24/7!

One last thing, which is probably the most important thing, the key to summer is, just let it flow. By that I mean, don't force things, or plan everything. Sometimes the best things are the unplanned, such as ringing up your mates at 3pm, and saying backyard cricket in 20mins. Wasn't planned, but it usually turns out to be one of the best days.

So get ready to enjoy summer, stock up on suncream, thongs and icy poles.

From The One They Call Anthony, This Is The Life And Times

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