Okay what I am about to share with you is of great benefit, especially if you are unemployed and looking for a job. A previous blog I talked about looking for a job, and gave a bunch of tips I learnt over my hunting days. Now I'm going to talk about my tactics and weapons I use once I find a job and get a interview.
Weapon of Choice 01 - Suit Up!
As the legendary man himself always say, "SUIT UP!" - Barney Stinson. Every interview and group interview, with the exception of one, I have suited up, and we are talking full-blown suit, shirt, tie and jacket, oh, and pants of course. Oh and I was wearing shoes. And I also had socks on, but that's not the point! I've attended quite a few group interviews, especially for really crappy "promoting" jobs and telemarketing, and I was always best dressed in my jacket and tie. The way I see it, you can never over-dress for a interview of any kind. The only time I didn't suit up was for a group interview for a job with Cotton On, as my housemate at the time said dress trendy (still got the job but). Suiting up for a interview shows you are professional, serious about getting the job, and gives off the vibe and impression. When I am CEO of my multi-national, billion-dollar empire and I'm hiring people, if they walk into my office without a suit, I won't give them the time of my day, out the door! Even if it's for a cleaning job, always suit up! I once had short notice of a job interview and could not get my suit dry cleaned in time, and I was stressing because I didn't want to go in a dirty suit, or no suit, so what did I do? I went out, and bought a new suit! For those who remember my early blogs, I bought the suit which led me to my first job in Melbourne....
Weapon of Choice 02 - Weakness'
In my early days of interviews, when asked this question, I didn't really know how to answer it. I use to answer it with "Uhhh, ummm, hmm, uhhh, not sure, don't think I have any" But really I had plenty. Then I was watching Dr Phil and he had a guy in helping out with interview tips, and he gave the best response to the question...
"So what is your weakness?"
"Marsh mellows"
"Yes marsh mellows, they are delicious, I just can't help myself, roasted even better"
"Hahaha yes true"
I've used this before, just not marsh mellows. When asked what is my weakness, I said "Baking a eatable cake" and "Flying a plane" You are thinking "Omg, what a douche, what are you thinking?!?!?!" Well, I got both jobs, so it didn't turn out too bad. If you are a girl, you can say something like "Re-building a car engine" or something creative, funny and unrelated to the job. It is something the interviewer isn't expecting, and can have a slight chuckle over. In fact my cake one actually led to a small discussion on how to bake a cake.... I still failed at it though :(
Tactic 01 - Make Your First Impression Last
Not sure if a tactic, or a weapon, there is no real definition between the two titles, but anyway, besides the point. It takes about 7 seconds when you first meet someone to form an impression with someone. This ties in with the suit business (See what I did there, I'm clever), that when you meet your interviewer, smile, introduce yourself, and give a firm handshake. If you look like you don't want to be there, give a limp handshake, or worst, not one, and you just look sloppy, your chances of seeing a future interview, or job, is pretty much out the window.
Tactic 02 - Be Yourself To A Degree
Not sure how I'll go explaining this one but I'll try. Okay, what is one of the most serious jobs you can think of? Doctor? Lawyer? Okay, what about at the other end of the spectrum, a job where you may need to be fun and outgoing? Mini-golf course assistant? Radio talk-show host (not ABC, I mean Hamish and Andy style)? What you have to do is Tailor your personality to suit the job you are going for. Take me for example, I'm not exactly Mr Serious, I'm usually a fun, out-going, funny guy. I went for a job interview for a pick-pack job in a warehouse, which required me to actually be serious. This proved to be quite the task, but I managed to get through the interview. The reason I was serious was because it was a job that required concentration, and well, seriousness. Not really the job I would pursue, but I was desperate at the time. I had an interview with Cotton On, which required me to fun and out-going, as that is what they look for in their employees.
So to an extent, you naturally go for a job which suits your personality for a start, like I won't be going for any lawyer jobs in the future (Mostly because I am not studying the field). But I'm more than happy to go for retail jobs or customer service as it allows me, to be me. However, let's say I go for a job to be a receptionist at Boral Bricks, to gain industry experience and knowledge which could help with my future career. So most receptionists aren't like the girl in Cotton On, they are usually answering phones, taking enquires, and kind of have to take their job serious. So I'm in the interview, I wouldn't exactly be cracking too many jokes (To be honest, I'd crack at least 1 or 2), and my body language would be kind of calm/still, and in a serious tone. So I'm sort of manipulating my personality to suit the job at hand, I'm not changing it, because when they clock hits 5:00pm, the real Anthony is out in force! Now compare that personality to if I was being interview for a job at a mini-golf course. You would think the manager wants you to be fun, out-going and entertaining. So I would crack at least 20 jokes, be active in my body language and so forth.
Not sure if it's the greatest advice, as most people say, "Don't be someone you are not" Which I agree, but sometimes even the fun-est person needs to be serious to pay the bills.
Now this is the main event, this tactic, or weapon, has landed me 3 jobs, and a friend a job, and it could possibly lead me to another job. I am going to share with you, "The Awesome Scale"
'OMG WHAT IS THE AWESOME SCALE!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!!???????????!!!" you are asking yourself. Well let me take you through.....
I've been to 3 group interviews, twice with Safeway, once with Cotton On, and every time you have to pair up with someone and "interview" them and then present your findings to the rest of the group. So you start of simple, ask about hobbies, movies, why they want a job, study, blah blah, then you throw them off track...
"On a scale of 1 to 10, how awesome do you rate yourself?"
Now, most people don't want to sound stuckup, so they say 6 or 7, which is awesome, but it's no me. They then usually ask you the same, I usually say, "8, but I have been known to be 9, and I've pushed for a couple 10s" But you have to say it in the right tone, in a joking way, delievery is key. So anyway, you got their score of 7, and now you have to present to the group.
So you are telling them about their hobbies, their course they are studying, and then you bring up the Awesome Scale.
"And [insert name here] rates him/herself a 7 on the Awesome Scale [look around for baffled faces]. But actually since talking to [insert name here], I reckon he/she is about a 8.5, can probably push a mid 9 on their good day"
Delivery is key here! You have to do it all with a smile, don't sound serious, and just have fun with it. Laughter is proven to be the main response, mostly due to the creativity and uniqueness of the question.
I have asked this 3 times, I ended up getting all three jobs (although I probably would of the job regardless, but that's beside the point damn it!). I told my housemate about it, she used it in her group interview, and ended up getting a job as well. So it has a 100% success rate, which isn't too bad.
So there are a few of my weapons and tactics in a job interview. What works for me, may not work for you, but it works for me, so don't complain if it doesn't for you.
From The One They Anthony, This Is The Life And Times
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