Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rich Inc

That is the title of my potential corporation, or maybe Richardson Inc, or maybe Poo Inc, Bear Poo Inc, there is just so many names that could fit right into the role. The other year I decided I wanted to be really rich, that way my kids would not have to face any hardships I have faced in the last couple years. I thought to myself, what's a good way to earn millions, upon millions of dollars? Then I composed a list...

1/ Win the lottery
2/ Being a stripper for celebrities
3/ Start my own big company like corporation like thingy
4/ Invent something
5/ Design a really big building that would give me heaps of commission

I proceeded to sift through the list, and noticed winning the lottery wasn't exactly earning, and was based purely on luck. The stripper thing was very plausible but most likely involved working nights and weekends, and to be honest, I don't want to work Saturday nights! Inventing something could be fun, I did have some nifty products, but nah. I could design a really big building, but it would have to be monster, and would take half my life to just design, let alone document and build. So I was left with one thing, starting my own giant company......

I immediately Googled Donald Trump and got ideas on what sectors of my company I should have. So here is a list of some definite sectors....

1/ Architecture - Naturally of course, this would include designers/architects, drafters, engineers, personal builders and maybe hire a photographer or two, graphic designer and the like.

2/ Golf Course - I would own one, or maybe two golf courses, 18 holes, beautiful club rooms, with the usual suspects such as a bar, pokies, restaurant, you know that stuff.

3/ Hotels - Building a couple hotels on very popular beach fronts could bring in millions of dollars of revenue in it's first year of operation, so why not take it up?

4/ Gyms - Maybe just not gym, but have a health/fitness sector of the company. So while a chain of gyms is on the card, maybe have a personal training company, gymwear/equipment, or something along those lines.

5/ Travel - This includes owning a couple airplanes, but also offer travel guides, hotels (Of course they would be staying at my hotels) and basically make money of people wanting to travel.

6/ Music - I'd probably own a record label, discover the next Beiber, make a cool million of him and throw his arse out and find someone else to make some millions.

7/ Books - Children books mainly, but also would write and sell a couple of my own books. They would be mostly biography's, but come on, who doesn't enjoy reading about me?

8/ Mining - If I want to be richer than a Texan, I'd need a mining sector. This does include oil rigging in the ocean, but also mines in quarry's, I'm not fussed which type of mining it is exactly.

9/ Investing - My couple would be on both sides of the market, having investments in other companies, but also have people invest in my company.

10 / Bars/Nightclubs - I'd probably dabble in this and have the perfect bar and nightclub.

So there is 10 sectors there, even if I make $2.5 million profit a year, I'm looking at a $25 million dollar profit each year. That equates to about $480,769.07 a week, which is a little bit more than I'm earning right now.

I am aiming to have this up-and-running by 2017, which gives me 6 years, so it could be a realistic goal. If anyone reading my blog would like to apply for a future job, let me know. Just state what job you are after, and I'd see if I would be offering it. If for some chance I can't offer you a job right away, give me a day and I'd invent a company that could allow you to undertake your job.

The first thing I'm going to buy with my first million dollars is going to be a puppy, so he can be my friend and mascot of the company. Then I might share some of my millions around the family, maybe buy Dad a new car, ute and send him on a holiday. Probably pay off my brother's mortgages, and maybe do the same for my younger brother if he has a mortgage. Of course I'd donate some of my money, maybe $5 million a year, definitely to a cancer charity, then maybe spread out $2 million between a few other charities.

Of course I'd own a huge house with butlers who are British and talk in a real high-posh voice. Own a couple cool cars, and maybe a personal jet, but will be owning my own boat. I'm not sure where base-camp would be set up, but I will have holiday houses all over the universe!! Screw being a millionaire, or even a billionaire, life is going to be sweet when I'm a trillionaire!

From The One They Anthony, This Is The Life & Times

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